quote from ebay:
While exploring desolate areas of Fort Desoto Beach at the southern end of St. Petersburg, here in Florida, I came upon a rather startling discovery. Before me lay what at first appeared to be a very large strange fish. Shocked and amazed, I realized I had found another mermaid or sea monster. I went back to my car to get my camera. My hands were shaking as I tried to calm down to take these photos. This Mermaid or Sea monster, you be the judge, is a few inches shy of being 5 feet long. Laying on a fresh natural bed of seaweed, this creature of the sea looks out as if still alive. What killed this mystery from the depths? Recently in the news there was talk of another outbreak of Red Tide. Had this mermaid fallen ill from this mysterious dreaded disease from the sea? Looking over her gracefull body, I realized what a special creature she must had been in life. Was she the missing link between primates and fish? In time, what would evolution had shaped this creature to be?I sat there thinking for awhile and realized I must get this mermaid back home. I could always ponder later. The winner to this auction will recieve the sea creature shown in the photos below. The photos have not been altered or retouched nor are they result of photo shop. The entire body has been determined to be covered in once living fish skin with scales. I have drilled a small hole in the back of the head so that it can be hung up on a wall for display.Pensavo di aver visto vendere l'impossibile su ebay
...adesso dopo
questo mi accorgo che in realtà si trattava di "possibile"...
Per gli non anglofoni l'annuncio si puo' riassumere in questa frase:
vendo il cadavere di sirena trovata in florida. ...1500 dollari
peccato che l'asta sia già finita
faccio notare poi la seguente frase a chiusura della descrizione:
I have drilled a small hole in the back of the head so that it can be hung up on a wall for display
Un mito.
PS: se qualcuno fosse interessato io potrei vendere un esemplare di Yeti ancora vivente. Per ora non ho foto pero' si tratta di un esemplare tipico di queste zone della toscana dal folto pelo (che anche se sembra attaccato con l'attack vi assicuro che è autentico). Purtroppo vi devo avvertire che si esprime in lamenti dall'accento vagamente fiorentino e bestemmia ogni 5 minuti non fateci caso....Purtroppo mio nonno è un po' burbero...
fatemi sapere.... proclamo l'asta è aperta..